I think it is time I start cataloging my most important thoughts. Sometimes I just think. About important things... about trivial things... about random things. Ponder them with me if you will. I want this to be a completely open dialogue where I can share my ideas. You can share them with me. I hope you will come along with me on this journey.
From my assignment:
"Watching Dr. King as a little girl always made me cry. Anytime we would study him in school I always remember thinking how brave he was. I Imagine he knew what he was risking. As I think all great Martyrs do. They give all of themselves so that others might prosper. I think that type of person just oozes a vibe that people pick up on. I feel that way about Nelson Mandela too. People who are willing to risk their lives and their own personal happiness for that of the greater good and doing what is right have always been held in the highest of esteem to me. It has always puzzled me though how these people who are the bringers of peace always seem to end so tragically. Makes one wonder why Peace and doing what is ultimately right has to come at so high a cost. Then again maybe it has to be that way for the lesson to be learned." (Amber Robbins Com 140 course)
Why does the lesson of Peace come at so high cost? Would we understand it if it did not? I think a lot of my ideas about life have been shaped by some pretty amazing sources. I hope that as this blog continues... the things that have inspired me can be passed along to inspire others.
Today I just want to share a really important book of my childhood. Probably one which had the greatest impact on me as a child.
Link goes to Amazon.
I am lucky enough to still have this book. I am so glad that I will be able to pass this book down to my daughter. It moved me and inspired me in more ways than I can say. Filled with stories of people doing the right thing despite the cost. Some of the stories are hard lessons to learn. I think maybe that is what moved me so. I was probably about 10 or 11 when I got this book and some of the stories were probably not suitable for such a young mind. There were one or two that I can remember being a tad violent. I think though, that is what taught me why violence is so wrong. My mind back then was not so tainted by the world. I was able to see in pure form what the truth was: Violence never solved anything. In the short-term wars may have been won... but at what cost? Was it worth it?
As I've gotten older I think I have nailed down the inevitable problem with Peace. For it to work everyone has to lay down their weapons. If one side does not then a massacre ensues. Again though I speak of lessons... maybe that is the point. Maybe it truly is the only way to open our eyes. Someday I think words will be enough. I hope it is a day I get to see.
I leave you with one final thought... and what a thought it is... from the most unlikely source. If you really want to give your brain a run for its money, and you like pondering and thinking as much as I do... I highly suggest watching the Star Trek Series. Particularly "The Next Generation". I think you will find yourself surprised. It is full of some amazing life lessons. It too is a source which shaped my young mind. I am sure it will be a source of more ponderings in the future but for now I leave you with this...
"This is a war for independence, and I am no better or different than your own George Washington."
"Washington was a military general, not a terrorist."
"The difference between generals and terrorists is only the difference between winners and losers. If you win you are called a general, if you lose - "
- - Finn and Dr. Crusher
- From 'The High Ground'
- Star Trek: The Next Generation
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